The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for the establishment of 75 additional Government  Medical Colleges by 2021-22 attached with existing district/referral hospitals under Phase-III of the ongoing Centrally Sponsored scheme.

For the schemes approved today to increase the availability of healthcare infrastructure and manpower, the Cabinet also sanctioned an expenditure of Rs 24,375 crore during the 15lh Finance Commission period i.e. up to 2021-22.

The establishment of new Medical Colleges attached with existing District/Referral Hospitals, would lead to an increase in the availability of qualified health professionals, improve tertiary care in the Government sector, utilize the existing infrastructure of districts hospitals and promote affordable medical education in the country.

New medical colleges would be set up in under-served areas having no medical college; with at least 200 bedded District Hospital. Preference will be given to Aspirational Districts and District Hospital having 300 beds.

The scheme on the establishment of new medical colleges (58+24+75) would lead to the addition of at least 15,700 MBBS seats in the country.

Continuing the focus on the creation of health care infrastructure, the Government earlier approved to establish 58  new Medical  Colleges attached to existing district/referral hospitals under Phase-I and 24 under Phase-II.  Of this, 39 medical colleges under Phase-I, have already started functioning, while the remaining 19 would be made functional by 2020-21. Under Phase-II, 18 new medical colleges have been approved.


Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah (????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ????????) is the guiding principle of the Government. Government has announced as a part of ‘Ayushman Bharat’ two path-breaking initiatives that address health holistically, impacting primary, secondary and tertiary care system as well as prevention and health promotion.

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)

[Press Release dt. 28-08-2019]

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One comment

  • Laws are hurriedly made without debate and discussion.
    Those Laws made are not published in press except a few .
    Let us not make laws without proper debate and discussion , it leads to litigation later. Let us publish all the laws made . Let the public know .

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